Doctors of the Church
A "Doctor of the
Church" is an individual singled out for the extraordinary advantages
Church has received from his teachings. To receive such a title, a
person must have exhibited "eminens
doctrina, insignis vitae sanctitas, et Ecclesiae declaratio"
(i.e. eminent learning, a high degree of sanctity, and proclamation by
the Church) and not be a marytr or Confessor (someone who died or
suffered for the Faith, respectively).
Early on, this proclamation was given to SS. Gregory the Great,
Ambrose, Augustine, and Jerome in the West, and to SS. John Chrysostom,
Basil, and Gregory Nanzianzus in the East. The Feasts of these Saints
were made obligatory in their respective Churches (a collective Feast
for all three was later instituted in the East).
Though Pope Benedict XIV (1675-1758) wrote that declarations of
"Doctor" should be made by the Pope or by a general Council, decrees
are, in practice, made by the Pope after the Congregation for the
Causes of the Saints (formerly the Congregation of Sacred Rites)
examines the writings of the proposed Doctor. Such decrees aren't
infallible, and they don't indicate that the Doctors never erred in
their works, but they show the great esteem in which the Church holds
those who hold the title, and allow for special Masses (In Medio Ecclesiae) to be offered
by the Universal Church in their honor.
There are thirty-six Doctors of the Church. They are listed here below,
in order of the dates of their receiving the title. Click on the book
icons next to their names to be shown lists of their works, as taken
from Wikipedia, the Catholic Encyclopedia, and other sources. Check the Catholic library here and the
relevant pages at the Catholic
Encyclopedia offsite to find some of these works:
1. |
St. Gregory the
Great, Doctor of the Unity of the Church, 540-604 |
2. |
St. Ambrose,
Patron of the Veneration of Mary, 340-397 |
3. |
St. Augustine,
Doctor of Grace, 354-430 |
4. |
St. Jerome,
Father of Biblical Science, 347-420 |
5. |
St. Thomas
Aquinas, Angelic Doctor, 1225-1274 |
6. |
St. John
Chrysostom, Golden Mouthed, 347-407 |
7. |
St. Basil the
Great, Father of Eastern Monasticism, 330-379 |
8. |
St. Gregory of
Nanzianzus, Theologian, 329-389 |
9. |
St. Athanasius,
Father of Orthodoxy, 298-373 |
10. |
St. Bonaventure,
Seraphic Doctor, 1221-1274
11. |
St. Anselm,
Magnificent Doctor, 1033/34-1109 |
12. |
St. Isidore of
Seville, Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages, 560-636 |
13. |
St. Peter
Chrysologus, 406-450 |
14. |
St. Leo the
Great, Doctor of the Church's Unity, 400-461 |
15. |
St. Peter
Damian, Monitor to the Popes, 1007-1072 |
16. |
St. Bernard of
Clairvaux, Mellifluous Doctor, 1090-1153 |
17. |
St. Hilary of
Poitiers, Doctor of the Divinity of Christ, 300-367 |
18. |
St. Alphonsus
Liguori, Most Zealous Doctor, 1696-1787 |
19. |
St. Francis de
Sales, Doctor of Charity, 1567-1622 |
20. |
St. Cyril of
Alexandria, Doctor of the Incarnation, 376-444 |
21. |
St. Cyril of
Jerusalem, Doctor of Catechesis, 315-386 |
22. |
St. John
Damascene, Doctor of Christian Art, 676-749 |
23. |
St. Bede the
Venerable, Doctor of the English, 672-735
24. |
St. Ephrem,
Harp of the Holy Ghost, 306-373 |
25. |
St. Peter
Canisius, Doctor of the Catechism, 1521-1597 |
26. |
St. John of the
Cross, Mystical Doctor, 1542-1591 |
27. |
St. Robert
Bellarmine, Patron of Catechists, 1542-1621 |
28. |
St. Albertus
Magnus, Universal Doctor, 1193-1280 |
29. |
St. Anthony of
Padua, Evangelical Doctor, 1195-1231 |
30. |
St. Lawrence of
Brindisi, Apostolic Doctor, 1559-1619 |
31. |
St. Teresa of
Avila, Doctor of Prayer, 1515-1582 |
32. |
St. Catherine of
Siena, Mystic of the Incarnate Word, 1347-1380 |
33. |
St. Therese of
Lisieux, Doctor of Merciful Love, 1873-1897 |
34. |
St. John of
Avila, Apostle of Andalusia, 1500-1569 |
35. |
Hildegard of Bingen, Sybil of the Rhine, 1098-1179 |
36. |
St. Gregory of
Narek, Armenian Mystic, 951-1003/11 |
37. |
St. Irenaeus of
Lyon, Doctor of Unity, ca. 130 - ca. 202 |
Their Works:
Gregory the Great
- Commentary on Job
- Liber regulae
pastoralis (Book of Pastoral Rule)
- Dialogues
- Sermons
- In librum primum
regum exposito (Commentary on I Kings)
- 854 letters
St. Ambrose
- De fide ad
Gratianum Augustum (On Faith, to Gratian Augustus)
- De Officiis
Ministrorum (On the Offices of Ministers, an ecclesiastical handbook
modeled on Cicero's De Officiis.[43])
- De Spiritu
Sancto (On the Holy Ghost)
- De incarnationis
Dominicae sacramento (On the Sacrament of the Incarnation of the Lord)
- De mysteriis (On
the Mysteries)
- Expositio
evangelii secundum Lucam (Commentary on the Gospel according to Luke)
- De bono mortis
(Death as a Good)
- De fuga saeculi
(Flight From the World)
- De institutione
virginis et sanctae Mariae virginitate perpetua ad
Eusebium (On the Birth of the Virgin and the Perpetual Virginity of
- De Nabuthae (On
- De paenitentia
(On Repentance)
- De paradiso (On
- De sacramentis
(On the Sacraments)
- De viduis (On
- De virginibus
(On Virgins)
- De virginitate
(On Virginity)
- Exhortatio
virginitatis (Exhortation to Virginity)
- De sacramento
regenerationis sive de philosophia (On the Sacrament of Rebirth, or, On
Philosophy [fragments])
- The Hexaemeron
(Six Days of Creation)
- De Helia et
ieiunio (On Elijah and Fasting)
- De Iacob et vita
beata (On Jacob and the Happy Life)
- De Abraham; De
Cain et Abel
- De Ioseph
- De Isaac vel
anima (On Isaac, or The Soul)
- De Noe (Noah)
- De
interpellatione Iob et David (On the Prayer of Job and David)
- De patriarchis
(On the Patriarchs)
- De Tobia (Tobit)
- Explanatio
psalmorum (Explanation of the Psalms)
- Explanatio
symboli (Commentary on the Symbol).
- De obitu
Theodosii; De obitu Valentiniani; De excessu fratris Satyri (funeral
- 91 letters
- A collection of
hymns on the Creation of the Universe.
- Fragments of
- Ambrosiaster or
the "pseudo-Ambrose," commentary on St. Paul's Epistles attributed to
St. Augustine
- On the Beautiful
and the Fitting (Latin: De Pulchra et Apto, 380)
- On Christian
Doctrine (Latin: De doctrina Christiana, 397–426)
- Confessions
(Confessiones, 397–398)
- The City of God
(De civitate Dei, begun c. 413–426)
- On the Trinity
(De trinitate, 400–416)
- On Free Choice
of the Will (De libero arbitrio)
- Enchiridion
(Enchiridion ad Laurentium, seu de fide, spe et caritate)
- Retractationes
(Retractations): At the end of his life (c. 426–428)
- The Literal
Meaning of Genesis (De Genesi ad litteram)
- On the
Catechising of the Uninstructed (De catechizandis rudibus)
- On Faith and the
Creed (De fide et symbolo)
- Concerning Faith
of Things Not Seen (De fide rerum invisibilium)
- On the Profit of
Believing (De utilitate credendi)
- On the Creed: A
Sermon to Catechumens (De symbolo ad catechumenos)
- On Continence
(De continentia)
- On the teacher
(De magistro, a dialogue between Augustine and his son Adeodatus)
- On the Good of
Marriage (De bono coniugali)
- On Holy
Virginity (De sancta virginitate)
- On the Good of
Widowhood (De bono viduitatis)
- On Lying (De
- To Consentius:
Against Lying (Contra mendacium [ad Consentium])
- To Quodvultdeus,
On Heresies (De haeresibus ad Quodvultdeum)
- On the Work of
Monks (De opere monachorum)
- On Patience (De
- On Care to be
Had For the Dead (De cura pro mortuis gerenda)
- On the Morals of
the Catholic Church and on the Morals of the Manichaeans (De moribus
ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum)
- On Two Souls,
Against the Manichaeans (De duabus animabus [contra Manichaeos])
- Acts or
Disputation Against Fortunatus the Manichaean ([Acta] contra Fortunatum
- Against the
Epistle of Manichaeus Called Fundamental (Contra epistulam Manichaei
quam vocant fundamenti)
- Reply to Faustus
the Manichaean (Contra Faustum [Manichaeum])
- Concerning the
Nature of Good, Against the Manichaeans (De natura boni contra
- On Baptism,
Against the Donatists (De baptismo [contra Donatistas])
- The Correction
of the Donatists (De correctione Donatistarum)
- On Merits and
Remission of Sin, and Infant Baptism (De peccatorum meritis et
remissione et de baptismo parvulorum)
- On the Spirit
and the Letter (De spiritu et littera)
- On Nature and
Grace (De natura et gratia)
- On Man's
Perfection in Righteousness (De perfectione iustitiae hominis)
- On the
Proceedings of Pelagius (De gestis Pelagii)
- On the Grace of
Christ, and on Original Sin (De gratia Christi et de peccato originali)
- On Marriage and
Concupiscence (De nuptiis et concupiscientia)
- On the Nature of
the Soul and its Origin (De natura et origine animae)
- Against Two
Letters of the Pelagians (Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum)
- On Grace and
Free Will (De gratia et libero arbitrio)
- On Rebuke and
Grace (De correptione et gratia)
- On the
Predestination of the Saints (De praedestinatione sanctorum)
- On the Gift of
Perseverance (De dono perseverantiae)
- Our Lord's
Sermon on the Mount (De sermone Domini in monte)
- On the Harmony
of the Evangelists (De consensu evangelistarum)
- In evangelium
Ioannis, 1050–1100 ca., Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence
- Treatises on the
Gospel of John (In Iohannis evangelium tractatus)
- Soliloquies
(Soliloquiorum libri duo)
- Enarrations, or
Expositions, on the Psalms (Enarrationes in Psalmos)
- On the
Immortality of the Soul (De immortalitate animae)
- Answer to the
Letters of Petilian, Bishop of Cirta (Contra litteras Petiliani)
- Against the
Academics (Contra Academicos)
- On eighty-three
various questions (De diversis quaestionibus octaginta tribus, 396)
- Sermons, among
which a series on selected lessons of the New Testament
- Our Lord's
Sermon on the Mount
- Homilies, among
which a series on the First Epistle of John (In Epistolam Joannis Ad
Parthos Tractatus Decem)
- On Music (De
- On Order (De
St. Jerome
- Letters
- The
Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary
- To
Pammachius Against John of Jerusalem
- The
Dialogue Against the Luciferians
- The Life
of Malchus, the Captive Monk
- The Life
of S. Hilarion
- The Life
of Paulus the First Hermit
- Against
- Against
- Against
the Pelagians
- Prefaces
- De Viris
Illustribus (Illustrious Men)
- Apology
for himself against the Books of Rufinus
St. Thomas
- De fallaciis ad
quosdam nobiles artistas
- Commentary on
the Prophet Jeremiah (Expositio in Jeremiam prophetam)
- De
propositionibus modalibus
- On the
Principles of Nature (De principiis naturae ad fratrem Sylvestrum)
- On Being and
Essence (De ente et essentia, ad fratres socios)
- Contra
impugnantes Dei cultum et religionem
- Commentary on
the Sentences of Peter Lombard (Scriptum super libros Sententiarum)
- Two Sermons from
MS Florence [Principium (?)]
- Disputed
Questions on Truth (Quaestiones disputatae de Veritate)
- Commentary on
the Gospel of St. Matthew (Expositio in evangelicum s. Mattaei)
- Literal
Commentary on Job (Expositio in Job ad litteram)
- Commentary on
Boethius's Book De hebdomadibus (Expositio in librum Boethii De
- Commentary on
Boethius's Book On the Trinity (Expositio super librum Boethii De
- De articulis
fidei et Ecclesiae sacramentis, ad archiepiscopum Panormitanum
- De emptione et
venditione ad tempus
- Summa contra
Gentiles (Tractatus de fide catholica, contra Gentiles [contra errores
- Against the
Errors of the Greeks, to Pope Urban IV (Contra errores Graecorum, ad
Urbanum IV Pontificem Maximum)
- Sermon on the
Holy Eucharist preached in Consistory before Pope Urban IV and the
- Officium de
festo Corporis Christi, ad mandatum Urbani Papae IV
- On the Reasons
of the Faith against the Saracens, Greeks and Armenians, to the Cantor
of Antioch (De rationibus fidei contra Saracenos, Gracos et Armenos, ad
Cantorem Antiochiae)
- Catena Aurea
("The Golden Chain"):Glossa (expositio) continua in Mattheum, Marcum,
Lucam, Joannem
- Summa Theologica
- Responsio ad fr.
Joannem Vercellensem, Generalem Magistrum Ordinis Praedicatorum, de
articulis CVIII ex opere Petri de Tarentasia
- Disputed
Questions on the Soul (Quaestiones disputatae de Anima)
- On Kingship, to
the King of Cyprus (De regno [De regimine principum), ad regem Cypri)
- Expositio in
Dionysium De divinis nominibus
- Expositio super
primam decretalem "De fide catholica et sancta Trinitate" et super
secundam "Damnamus autem"
- Disputed
Questions on the Power of God (Quaestiones disputatae de potentia Dei)
- Commentary on
Aristotle's Posterior Analytics (In libros posteriorum Analyticorum
- Commentary on
Aristotle's De anima [On the Soul] (In libros De anima expositio)
- Commentary on
Aristotle's On Sense and What Is Sensed (In librum De sensu et sensato
- Commentary of
Aristotle's Memory and Recollection (In librum De memoria et
reminiscentia expositio)
- De substantiis
seperatis, seu de angelorum natura, ad fr. Reginaldum, socium suum
- De secreto
- Disputed
Questions on Spiritual Creatures (Quaestiones disputatae de
spiritualibus creaturis)
- De perfectione
vitae spiritualis
- Commentary on
the Book Of Causes (Super librum De causis expositio)
- On the Unity of
the Intellect against the Averroists (De unitate intellectus, contra
- De perfectione
vitae spiritualis
- Contra
pestiferam doctrinam retrahentium pueros a religionis ingressu
- Sermons from MSS
Madrid and Sevilla
- Two sermons from
MS Paris
- Sermon on Christ
the King from MS Soissons
- Commentary on
the Eight Books of Physics (In octo libros Physicorum expositio)
- De regimine
Judaeorum, ad Ducissam Brabantiae
- De aeternitate
mundi, contra murmurantes
- Responsio ad fr.
Joannem Vercellensem, Generalem Magistrum Ordinis Praedicatorum, de
articulis XLII
- De motu cordis,
ad Magistrum Philippum
- De mixtione
elementorum, ad Magistrum Philippum
- Responsio ad
lectorem Venetum de articulis XXXVI [two versions]
- Commentary on
the Prophet Isaiah (Expositio in Isaiam prophetam)
- Four Exordia
(Prothemata) of sermons from MS Angers
- De forma
absolutionis, ad Generalem Magistrum Ordinis
- De occultis
operationibus naturae, ad quendam militem ultramontanum
- De sortibus ad
Dominum Jacobum de ... (?)
- Quaestiones
disputatae de unione Verbi incarnati
- Disputed
Questions on Evil (Quaestiones disputatae de malo)
- Disputed
Questions on the Virtues (Quaestiones disputatae de virtutibus)
- Commentary on
the Gospel of John (Expositio in evangelium Joannis)
- Commentary on
Aristotle's Meteorology (In libros Meteorologicorum expositio)
- Commentary on
Aristotle's On Interpretation (In libros Peri Hermeneias expositio)
- Commentary on
the Twelve Books of Metaphysics (In duodecim libros Metaphysicorum
- Commentary on
the Ten Books of [Nicomachean] Ethics (In decem libros Ethicorum
- Commentary on
Aristotle's Politics (In libros Politicorum expositio)
- Quaestiones de
quodlibet I-XII
- Commentary of
the Epistles of St. Paul (Expositio in s. Pauli Epistolas)
- Commentary on
the Psalms of David (In Psalmos Davidis expositio)
- Commentary on
Aristotle's On the Heavens and Earth (In libros De caelo et mundo
- Commentary on
Aristotle's On Generation and Corruption (In libros De generatione et
corruptione expositio)
- Lenten
Sermon-Cycle delivered at Naples (57 vernacular sermons, e.g., On the
Two Laws of Charity and the Ten Commandments [De duobos praeceptis
caritatis et decem legis praeceptis];Devotissima expositio super
symbolum apostolorum; Expositio devotissima orationis dominicae)
- Devotissima
expositio super salutatione angelica
- Compendium of
Theology (Compendium theologiae ad fratrem Reginaldum socium suum
- To Bernard,
Abbot of Monte Cassino (Ad Bernardum, abbatem Cassinensem)
- De iudiciis
astrorum, ad quendam militem ultramontanum
- De modo studendi
- Commentary on
the Song of Songs (Expositio in Canticum Canticorum)
- Commentary on
the Lamentations of Jeremiah (Expositio in Threnos Jeremiae prophetae)
- Hymn: "Adoro te"
- Hymn: "Concede
mihi misericors Deus"
- Hymn: "Tantum
Ergo" from Pange Lingua, a Mediaeval Hymn
- Quaestio
disputata utrum anima coniuncta cognoscat seipsam per essentiam
- Disputed
Questions on the Immortality of the Soul (Quaestiones disputatae de
immortalitate animae)
- Responsio ad
lectorem Bisuntinum de articulis VI
- Three sermons
from MS Paris
- Three sermons
from MS Venice
- De
demonstratione (disputed)
- De instantibus
- De natura
accidentium (disputed)
- De natura
generis (disputed)
- De natura
materiae et dimensionibus interminalis (disputed)
- De quatuor
oppositis (disputed)
- De natura verbi
intellectus (disputed)
- De principio
individuationis (disputed)
- Sermon: Beata
Virgo nec originale nec mortale nec veniale peccatum incurrit (disputed)
St. John
- Homilies on the
Gospel of St. Matthew
- Homilies on Acts
- Homilies on
- Homilies on
First Corinthians
- Homilies on
Second Corinthians
- Homilies on
- Homilies on
- Homilies on
- Homilies on
First Thessalonians
- Homilies on
Second Thessalonians
- Homilies on
First Timothy
- Homilies on
Second Timothy
- Homilies on
- Homilies on
- Commentary on
- Homilies on the
Gospel of John
- Homilies on the
Epistle to the Hebrews
- Homilies on the
- No One Can Harm
the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself
- Two Letters to
Theodore After His Fall
- Letter to a
Young Widow
- Homily on St.
- Homily on St.
- Homily
Concerning "Lowliness of Mind"
- Instructions to
- Three Homilies
on the Power of Satan
- Homily on the
Passage "Father, if it be possible . . ."
- Homily on the
Paralytic Lowered Through the Roof
- Homily on the
Passage "If your enemy hunger, feed him."
- Homily Against
Publishing the Errors of the Brethren
- First Homily on
- Second Homily on
Eutropius (After His Captivity)
- Four Letters to
- Letter to Some
Priests of Antioch
- Correspondence
with Pope Innocent I
- On the Priesthood
St. Basil
the Great
- De Spiritu
- Nine Homilies of
- Lettersady
St. Gregory
of Nanziansuz
- Against the
- On the
Incarnation of the Word
- Deposition of
- Statement of
- On Luke 10:22
(Matthew 11:27)
- Circular Letter
- Apologia Contra
- De Decretis
- De Sententia
- Vita S. Antoni
(Life of St. Anthony)
- Ad Episcopus
Aegypti et Libyae
- Apologia ad
- Apologia de Fuga
- Historia
- Four Discourses
Against the Arians
- De Synodis
- Tomus ad
- Ad Afros
Epistola Synodica
- Historia
- Letters
- Bonaventure
Texts in Translation Series, St. Bonaventure, NY, Franciscan Institute
Publications (15 volumes):
- On the Reduction
of the Arts to Theology, Translation, Introduction and Commentary by
Zachary Hayes, OFM, vol. 1, 1996.
- Journey of the
Soul into God - Itinerarium Mentis in Deum translation and Introduction
by Zachary Hayes, OFM, and Philotheus Boehner, OFM, vol. 2, 2002. ISBN
- Disputed
Questions on the Mystery of the Trinity, translated by Zachary Hayes,
vol. 3, 1979. ISBN 978-1-57659-045-4.
- Disputed
Questions on the Knowledge of Christ, translated by Zachary Hayes, vol.
4, 1992.
- Writings
Concerning the Franciscan Order, translated by Dominic V. Monti, OFM,
vol. 5, 1994.
- Collations on
the Ten Commandments, translated by Paul Spaeth, vol. 6, 1995.
- Commentary on
Ecclesiastes, translated by Campion Murray and Robert J. Karris, vol.
7, 2005.
- Commentary on
the Gospel of Luke, translated by Robert J. Karris (3 vols), vol. 8,
- Breviloquium,
translated by Dominic V. Monti, OFM, vol. 9, 2005.
- Writings on the
Spiritual Life, [includes translations of The Threefold Way, On the
Perfection of Life, On Governing the Soul, and The Soliloquium: A
Dialogue on the Four Spiritual Exercises, the prologue to the
Commentary on Book II of the Sentences of Peter Lombard and three short
sermons: On the Way of Life, On Holy Saturday, and On the Monday after
Palm Sunday, vol. 10, 2006.]
- Commentary on
the Gospel of John, translated by Robert J. Karris, vol. 11, 2007.
- The Sunday
sermons of St. Bonaventure, edited and translated by Timothy J.
Johnson, vol. 12, 2008.
- Disputed
questions on evangelical perfection, edited and translated by Thomas
Reist and Robert J. Karris, vol. 13, 2008.
- Collations on
the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, introduced and translated by
Zachary Hayes, vol. 14, 2008.
- Defense of the
mendicants, translated by Jose de Vinck and Robert J. Karris, vol. 15,
- The Life of
Christ translated and edited by William Henry Hutchings, 1881.
- The Journey of
the Mind into God (Itinerarium mentis in Deum), Indianapolis: Hackett,
1993. ISBN 978-0-8722-0200-9
- On the Reduction
of the Arts to Theology (De Reductione Artium ad Theologiam),
translated by Zachary Hayes, (Saint Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan
Institute, 1996. ISBN 978-1-57659-043-0
- Bringing forth
Christ: five feasts of the child Jesus, translated by Eric Doyle,
Oxford: SLG Press, 1984.
- The soul's
journey into God; The tree of life; The life of St. Francis. Ewert
Cousins, translator (The Classics of Western Spirituality ed.). Mahwah,
New Jersey: Paulist Press. 1978. ISBN 0-8091-2121-2.
- The Mystical
Vine: a Treatise on the Passion of Our Lord, translated by a friar of
SSF, London: Mowbray, 1955.
- Life of St
Francis of Assisi, TAN Books, 2010. ISBN 978-0-89555-151-1
St. Anselm
- De Grammatico
- De Veritate
- De Libertate
- De Casu Diaboli
- De Fide
Trinitatis, also known as De Incarnatione Verbi
- Cur Deus Homo
- De Conceptu
Virginali et de Originali Peccato ("On the Virgin Conception and
Original Sin")
- De Processione
Spiritus Sancti
- De Sacrificio
Azymi et Fermentati
- De Sacramentis
- De Concordia
- Monologion, also
known as "Monologium," "Monologue," "A Monologue on the Reason for
Faith" (Monoloquium de Ratione Fidei) and "An Example of Meditation on
the Reason for Faith" (Exemplum Meditandi de Ratione Fidei)
- Proslogion, also
known as "Proslogium," "Discourse," "Faith Seeking Understanding"
(Fides Quaerens Intellectum) and "An Address on God's Existence"
(Alloquium de Dei Existentia)
- Responsio or
apology (Liber Apologeticus)
St. Isidore
of Seville
- Etymologiae
- De fide
catholica contra Iudaeos
- Historia de
regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum, a history of the Gothic,
Vandal and Suebi kings. The longer edition, issued in 624, includes the
Laus Spaniae and the Laus Gothorum.
- Chronica Majora,
a universal history
- De differentiis
verborum, a brief theological treatise on the doctrine of the Trinity,
the nature of Christ, of Paradise, angels, and men
- On the Nature of
Things, a book of astronomy and natural history dedicated to the
Visigothic king Sisebut
- Questions on the
Old Testament
- a mystical
treatise on the allegorical meanings of numbers
- a number of
brief letters
- Sententiae libri
tres Codex Sang. 228; 9th century
- De viris
- De
ecclesiasticis officiis
- De summo bono
St. Peter
- Homilies
- Letter to
St. Leo the
- ca. 100 letters
- ca. 150 sermons
- Tome
St. Peter
- De Divina
- Dominus vobiscum
(The Book of "The Lord be with You").
- Life of Romauld
- The Eremitical
- Officium Beatae
- Liber
St. Bernard
of Clairvaux
- De gradibus
humilitatis et superbiae (The steps of humility and pride)
- Apologia ad
Guillelmum Sancti Theoderici Abbatem (Apology to William of St. Thierry)
- De conversione
ad clericos sermo seu liber (On the conversion of clerics)
- De gratia et
libero arbitrio (On grace and free choice)
- De diligendo Dei
(On loving God).
- Liber ad milites
templi de laude novae militiae (In Praise of the new knighthood)
- De praecepto et
dispensatione libri (Book of precepts and dispensations)
- De
consideratione (On consideration)
- Liber De vita et
rebus gestis Sancti Malachiae Hiberniae Episcopi (The life and death of
Saint Malachy, bishop of Ireland)
- De moribus et
officio episcoporum
- Sermons,
including Sermones super Cantica Canticorum (Sermons on the Song of
- Letters
St. Hilary
of Poitiers
- Commentarius in
Evangelium Matthaei
- Tractatus super
- Tractatus
- De Trinitate
- De synodis
- Liber II ad
Constantium imperatorem
- Liber in
Constantium inperatorem
- Contra Arianos
vel Auxentium Mediolanensem liber
- various
documents relating to the Arian controversy in Fragmenta historica
- Hymns
Alphonsus Liguori
- Quanno Nascetti
Ninno, a Christmas hymn translated into Italian by Pope Pius IX as Tu
scendi dalle stelle ("From Starry Skies Thou Comest")
- The Moral
- The Glories of
- Marian Devotion
- Prayers to the
Divine Mother
- Spiritual Songs
- The True Spouse
of Jesus Chris
- Great Means of
Salvation and of Perfection
- The Way of
Salvation and of Perfection
- The Way of the
- The History of
- Preparation for
- The Incarnation,
Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ
- The Holy
- Victories of the
St. Francis
de Sales
- Introduction to
the Devout Life
- Treatise on the
Love of God
- Letters of
Spiritual Direction
St. Cyril
of Alexandria
- Becoming Temples
of God
- Second Epistle
of Cyril to Nestorius
- Third Epistle of
Cyril to Nestorius (containing the twelve anathemas)
- Formula of
Reunion: In Brief (A summation of the reunion between Cyril and John of
- The "Formula of
Reunion" between Cyril and John of Antioch
- Five tomes
against Nestorius (Adversus Nestorii blasphemias)
- That Christ is
One (Quod unus sit Christus)
- Scholia on the
incarnation of the Only-Begotten (Scholia de incarnatione Unigeniti)
- Against Diodore
of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsuestia (fragments)
- Against the
synousiasts (fragments)
- Commentary on
the Gospel of Luke
- Commentaries on
the Old Testament
- Thesaurus
- Discourse
Against Arians
- Commentary on
St. John's Gospel,
- Dialogues on the
- Against Julian
the Apostate
- Cyrilli
Alexandrini liber Thesaurus adversus hereticos a Georgio Trapesuntio
St. Cyril
of Jerusalem
- Catechetical
- Mystagogic
- Letter to
St. John
- three Apologetic
Treatises against those Decrying the Holy Image
- Fountain of
Knowledge, also known as The Fountain of Wisdom, consisting of
Philosophical Chapters, Concerninc Heresy, and An Exact Exposition of
the Orthodox Faith
- Against the
- Against the
- Dialogue against
the Manichees
- Elementary
Introduction into Dogmas
- Letter on the
Thrice-Holy Hymn
- On Right Thinking
- On the Faith,
Against the Nestorians
- On the Two Wills
in Christ (Against the Monothelites)
- Sacred Parallels
- Octoechos (the
Church's liturgical book of eight tones)
- On Dragons and
St. Bede
the Venerable
- Historia
ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of the English
- Commentary on
- Retractation
- Commentary on
the Apocalypse
- Commentary on
the Catholic Epistles
- Collectaneum on
the Pauline Epistles
- Commentary on
Ezra and Nehemiah
- Commentary on
- Commentary on
- Commentary on
- Commentary on
- Quaestiones XXX
- Commentary on
- Commentary on
the Song of Songs
- De tabernaculo
- De templo
- De Locis Sanctis
- Life of St.
- Life of St. Felix
- Life of St.
Cuthbert (verse)
- Life of St.
Cuthbert (prose)
- Martyrology
- History of the
Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow
- Homilies
- Letters
- Hymns
- Poems
- De arte metrica
- De schematibus
et tropis
- De orthographia
- De natura rerum
- De temporibus
- De temporum
- De octo
quaestionibus (disputed)
- Paenitentiale
Bedae (disputed)
St. Ephrem
- Over 400 hymns
- Homilies
- Commentary on
Genesis and Exodus
- Biblical
commentary on the Diatessaron
- Refutations
against Bardaisan, Mani, Marcion
- The Life of
Saint Mary the Harlot (disputed)
- The Book of the
Cave of Treasure
St. Peter
- Summa doctrinae
- Catechismus
minor (A Smaller Catechism)
- Parvus
catechismus catholicorum (A Little Catechism for Catholics)
St. John of
the Cross
- Spiritual
- Dark Night of
the Soul
- Ascent of Mount
- Living Flame of
- Sayings of Light
and Love ( Dichos de Luz y Amor)
St. Robert Bellarmine
- Disputationes de
controversiis christianae fidei (also called Controversiae)
- Catechism
(Dottrina cristiana)
- The Mind's
Ascent to God (De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creatorum
- The Art of Dying
- The Seven Words
on the Cross
Albertus Magnus
- Seven
treatises on Logic
- Physicorum
- De Coelo et
- De Generatione
et Corruptione
- Meteororum
- Mineralium
- De Natura locorum
- De passionibus
- De vegetabilibus
et plantis
- De animalibus
- De motibus
- De nutrimento et
- De aetate
- De morte et vita
- De spiritu et
- De Anima
- De sensu et
- De Memoria, et
- De somno et
- De natura et
origine animae
- De intellectu et
- De unitate
- Philosophia
- Ethicorum
- Politocorum
- Metaphysicorum
- De causis et
processu universitatis
- Commentary on
the works of Denis the Aereopagite
- Commentary on
the Sentences of the Lombard
- Summa Theologiae
- Summa de
- De sacramento
- Super evangelium
missus est
- Commentaries on
the Psalms and Prophets
- Commentaries on
the Gospels
- On the Apocalypse
- Sermons
- Quindecim
problemata contra Averroistas
- De apprehensione
- Speculum
- De alchimia
- Scriptum super
arborem Aristotelis
- Paradisus animae
- Liber de
Adhaerendo Deo
- De Laudibus B.
- Biblia Mariana
St. Anthony
of Padua
- Sermons for
Feast Days (Sermones in Festivitates)
Lawrence of Brindisi
- Mariale
- Lutheranismi
- Explanatio in
- Quadragesimale
- Quadragesimale
- Quadragesimale
- Quadragesimale
- Adventus
- Dominicalia
- Sanctorale
- Sermones de
St. Teresa
of Avila
- Autobiography
- The Way of
Perfection (El Camino de Perfección)
- Meditations on
Song of Songs
- The Interior
Castle (El Castillo Interior )
- Relationships (Relaciones), an extension
of the autobiography
- Concepts of Love
del Amor )
- Exclamaciones
- 342 letters and
87 fragments of others
Catherine of Siena
- The Dialogue of
Divine Providenc
- More than 300
- 26 prayers
St. Therese
of Lisieux
- The Story of a
Soul (L'histoire d'une âme)
St. John of
- Audi, filia
- 82 sermons and
spiritual conferences
- Biblical
- 257 letters
- several
treatises on reform and other minor treatises
Hildegard of Bingen
- Scivias (Know
the Ways)
- Liber Vitae
Meritorum (Book of Life's Merits or Book of the Rewards of Life);
- Liber Divinorum
Operum (Book of Divine Works, also known as De operatione Dei, "On
God's Activity")
- Sixty-nine
musical compositions
- Ordo Virtutum
(Play of the Virtues), a morality play
- Physica
- Causae et Curae
- 400 letters
St. Gregory
of Narek
- Book of
- Commentary on
the Song of Songs
- Hymns
- Panegyrics on
various holy figures
- Homilies
- Chants
- Prayers
Irenaeus of Lyon
- Adversus haereses
- The
Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching
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