Pictures of Family Altars,
sent to me by gracious readers
Graciously sent
by a reader who wishes to remain anoynmous. His description:
"Front and center is a St. Benedict crucifix. "May the holy cross be my
The crucifix is illuminated by a votive candle which is lit much of the
time we are home.
To either side are beeswax candlesticks which I light while
prayingbefore the crucifix
(I'm counting on them this hurricane season!)
To Christ's right-hand side is the Immaculate Conception
and to his left is St. Joseph holding El Nino Jesus (Demetz Classico
Before the crucifix is whatever devotional book I am currently using.
A rosary is kept before Our Lady and a photo of a deceased niece is
also shown here.
Close by are religious books, incense, and holy water."

by Nicollette. Thanks, Nicollette! She has her Crucifix, an incense
candles, a small easel to hold Holy Cards that depict events of the
relevant Season or Saint's Feast...
Sent by Sara.
Thanks, Sara! She has images of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart surmounting a figurine of Our Lord
as He appeared to Sister Faustina, a Crucifix, a statue of Our Lady,
a container of Holy Water, candles, flowers, and her family's rosaries.
A dramatic home
altar made by a young male student.
Pictures of a
family altar sent by Patrick in Korea.
He has figures of Our Lady and the Infant of Prague, among others.

An altar from a 23-year old male student. He describes it like this:
"...on the
altar I have a standing crucifix and rosary from the Basilica of St.
Anne in Quebec. The top piece (the wood) is a music box from Germany
hand-fashioned in the 1950's by someone named "Fr Welty" (his name is
emblazoned on the back). The lower half is a display case which I
procured at a craft store. Inside there is a vial of holy water I
obtained at the Basilica of St. Anne on her feast day, as well as a
small triptych depicting the stations of the cross, a bundle of palms
blessed the previous Palm Sunday, a statue of St. Thomas Aquinas and a
picture of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (he was the Pope under whom I
re-entered the Church after a long and chaotic apostasy). On the right
of the altar, a small lantern containing a green candle (ordinary time)
stands above an icon of the Virgin and Holy Scripture. On the left, I
have a glass icon of St. Anne (also obtained at the Basilica on her
feast day), another lantern, and a copy of the Little Office of the
Virgin. Around the altar is my modest but expanding library of Catholic

A man named Kyle
made the altar above. He desribes it thus: "Theres a Celtic Crucifix,
icons of The Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary, a holy
water font, candles, angel statue and a rosary."

The above picture was sent by a man named Raphael, who
included this description:
beautiful picture of Our Lord and His Sacred Heart was printed in the
1930s, perhaps earlier, and is German.
The childlike angels are
sounding praises upon lyre and flute, and are also German: Heinzeller
of Oberammergau.
There are twelve daffodils, in honour of each star
with which Our Lady is crowned.
The cloth upon which the statue of Lady
of Fatima is placed is a linen corporal yet unused for its intended
which is a good thing to keep in a sick-call set. Her original
plastic crown was lost,
but I was fortunate to find a splendid metal
one embellished with glass jewels on eBay, which fits perfectly."

A dining room altar.
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